Hello Michael Cheney here showing you seven secrets to making money online. Let's just get straight into this and take notes because I'm going be going100 miles an hour. So the first step the first secret is to activate your inner winner now.  This is something that people miss out on. They think... let me just get to the tactic.  Show me the traffic... show me how to make money.

Now people quite often ask me Cheney how you able to do so much? You're one of the most productive guys I've ever seen. You're putting products out all the time, you've got books out, you've got videos going out, how do you do it all? They miss this first starting step which is basically to Ignite Your Inner Winner
It's about getting that energy getting, that motivation, setting goals... having aspirational targets to aim for and having a routine and a structure around your day so you know at all times what you're doing and what you are heading towards.

Are you on Speed? Are you on some kind of mythical drug? No, I have the occasional cup of green tea but that is it.

It's all down to Unlocking Your Inner Winner. Everybody's got this. Something that will motivate you is having a series of things put in place. Structures and components to every day that make it easy for you to get on and get stuffed on.

Quickly, okay so that is the first secret for you activating your inner winner now. Obviously there is a lot of components to each of these. In fact I could coach these and teach you these for several days.

Every single one of them... which I may in fact do uh notch nudge wink wink, but for now let's just focus on you getting the seven secrets in your hands so you know at least what you should be aiming on.

Now all of these by the way, none of this is just theory. This is all based on the millions of dollars that I've been fortunate to make in the time that I've been operating online, which is now coming up for two decades. Okay, so this is all based on my revelation that people constantly ask me how do you make money online? What have you done? What's required?

I've boiled it all down to these seven secrets that I'm sharing with you here. Anybody who's making serious money online is doing all of these seven things. okay so that's number one.

Let's move on to number two... you've got to attract a lucrative list. You need to have a following. You need to get buyers coming to you. You need to have a mailing list. You need to have basically an army of devoted fans and followers... that is at part two.

okay of this whole seven step sequence; the next thing that you need to do is to create kick-ass content. Everything online is driven by content, if you're not putting content out there, you are not going to make money online.

There's no way around that... you need to either be selling content as digital products or you need to be putting content out there in order to get attention, to get noticed. This could be videos, could be audio could be written stuff. could be photographs or images in the cases like Instagram.

Could be little short posts like twitter. Could be social kind of interactive stuff like Facebook, but you've got to put out kick-ass content.


There's certain things you need to do when you're creating content to make sure it is interactive, that it uses things like curiosity so it taps into people's desire.

You know that you've got this high energy when it's helping people get closer to their goals, taking them from A to B. In some way it's actually solving their problem, helping them solve a pain that they may have or pulling them closer to a desired outcome. These are some of the things to do.

Let's move on to Secret Number Four which is of course unleashing the traffic. I've got a boot camp coming up, I'm going to tell you about this in a second.

It's a one day intensive Unleash the Traffic boot camp. Okay stay tuned, I'm going to give you information on that in a second but you've got to unleash traffic as part of making money online.

You're not going to get anywhere without traffic. I personally like free traffic methods so the boot camp that I'll be doing with you will all be about free traffic methods.


Obviously you can spend money if you want to pay for traffic. It's obviously a lot quicker to do that. You are going to of course spend money on it but I like the free traffic methods.

There are many different things you can do to get traffic. The the main thing about getting traffic is making sure it's targeted. So I'm gonna go into the details of how to find the best niches where the money is online and how to get it.

How to attract people for free, how to retain that traffic because a big problem that people have once they've even got the traffic is actually keeping hold of people and converting them from a visitor, into a reader, into a subscriber, into a buyer, into a lifelong and repeat buying client. 

Okay there's a specific process, a specific series of steps you need to take people through and that's what we'll be going through. In that boot camp which I'll tell you about in a second, so that's Secret Number Four.

Unleash the Traffic next, is Secret Number Five, which is seven figure sales. Secrets like this is about taking things that already work and using words to sell. You are going to need to sell online to make money. People sometimes run to the hills and think I don't want to sell. I don't like jumping on the phone, I don't want to be you know that guy that's constantly pitching and selling stuff. I don't want to be selling on video or having to sell things.


No matter what you're doing you're going to be selling whether it's selling the click to get somebody to buy an affiliate product, whether it's selling the opt-in to get somebody to join your list, whether it's selling a physical item if you're doing drop shipping, selling digital programs even if you're not the owner of products, you're still in the in the game of selling when it comes to online even if you're an Instagram influencer and you're getting paid for sponsorships and paid for traffic that way. You're still selling you still need to know psychological sales trigger words that you can use.

How to persuade people to take action, how to encourage people to do things that you would like them to do, that obviously are also in their best interests, It's not about getting people to do things against their will, but this is all these seven figure sales secrets this really is all about understanding how to use the power of words to persuade people and get people to take action. Okay so that's Secret Number Five.

Secret Number Six is to collect colossal commissions. You're not gonna get anywhere online and you're going to really have a low glass ceiling of your earnings if you're not promoting affiliate products and not collecting commissions.

If you've got your own products you should still be promoting other people's products. If you're getting paid through having having ads on your website and for Google Adsense and things like that you should still be promoting affiliate products, it's an extra residual form of income. When you're getting income sources started don't leave one behind and then go to the next one leave it in place, keep it active and just add more income sources on top.

Okay that's a bonus tip for you there. Right, if you see something I really like to do, and it's better than what I'm doing, it's more exciting, it's probably going to make you more money, don't stop.

Okay. the Seventh Secret is to create best-selling products. This is all about where the big money is made online. This is when you actually start becoming a producer, a power producer who produces and sells their own best-selling products whether it's digital products, physical products.. books, ebooks reports, videos coaching and online programs, whatever it might be, that's where the big money is online now.

All the best have an awesome day.