Email Marketing Secrets

Hello, Michael Chaney here, teaching you how to build an email list fast. Let's dive into this it's very quick it's very simple now.

I've created the acronym fast a little bit cheesy but it'll help you remember so

is for 

is for Freebie i'm going to show you how to create a freebie different free tools you can use to do that how to do market research in about five minutes a is for autoresponder I'm going to show you how to get a free one of those or a free trial of those and if you have one already I'll show you the right way to set it up

S is for Squeeze page or a landing page or an opt-in page I'll show you the best things to do and what I've learned from doing this for 20 years and building hundreds of thousands of subscribers onto my email list and

T is for Traffic how to get free traffic quickly and that's what we're going to go over how to build an email list fast.

Let's start... We're going to focus on the freebie now when it comes to a freebie you've got to do market research first... you can't just create something and hope that somebody's going to get it. You need to understand what the pain points are of the audience, what they struggle with, what their desires are what keeps them awake at night.

Now for the purposes of this case study in this video I'm going to walk you through everything step by step on screen. I've used insomnia... right is that a problem that keeps people awake at night? Of course it is although it's a little bit funny... I've got a crap sense of humor what can i say... oh by the way, those who may not have seen me, I've been doing email marketing and internet marketing for 20 years and I'm now that old that I need to wear glasses. A lot of you guys will not have seen this before comment down below good or bad for the glasses. Good or bad for the glasses give me a thumbs up for at least for being able to see properly and all that stuff, we'll come on to the Youtube pitching later on.

Any hoo, getting market research...
You can do this in five minutes, you go to Amazon, you type in what the product is that you're going to be offering a freebie about.

Now let's just pause for a breath here because it's important when you're creating an email list, it needs to be something that you know something about. Right you've got to have an interest in it. Ideally a passion because you're going to be talking about this a lot.

If you don't have that interest or passion in it, people are going to know. Do you think I've got an interest or passion in internet marketing and email marketing?

What would you say, by the way that I'm talking right now? I live and breathe this stuff.

So you need to have that interest because otherwise it's going to come through if you're just trying to build a list just for the sake of it. If you've got no interest in underwater knitting for dolphins that only have one's going to come through. People are going to know that right? So have an interest in it.

You may even be in that market yourself already. You may be a customer or have been a customer so you'll have a little bit of a better understanding. So do a five minute Amazon market research on how you find the topic that you're going to create free.

In this case I went with the example "Insomnia". I found one of the best-selling books and what you do is you scroll down to the reviews for that book.

okay, now I found a particular review that I wanted to feature. This is going to give you some material that you can use in either the freebie itself... in the headline for the freebie... or in the bullet points that you might use to describe the freebie.

It's going to basically get you to see what it's like to be a prospect that wants this thing to step into their mind. One of the biggest mistakes i see people making in business is making assumptions about what their prospects and their customers want.

The best way is not to get, but actually go to the horse's mouth. Right and that's what these reviews are about, people that are suffering or suffered with insomnia. You can see how they describe it. So this particular person agonizing about sleepless nights. The review talks about the the drugs here and how you have to start increasing the dosage until you're ready to swallow the whole bottle...including the bottle itself.

They give you the medical culture that gives you pills galore to help you sleep better, but unfortunately you'll develop a tolerance and so on. So they're talking about this problem in a way that you could never do if you hadn't had this problem. So you can use this to shape the wording that you use in your freebie so when people read it they're like, "Oh my god he's speaking directly to me or she's speaking directly to me. How do they know my problem so well?"

Because you've taken five or ten minutes to go through the reviews like this and for similar products or products that have information about what you're focused on, you've stepped into people's minds.

Another way that you can do that is to join relevant groups on Facebook. As you can see, it's just a quick search on Facebook and hen we've got an insomnia group. Here 10,000 members, 5,800 members, 1,000 members and so on and all to do with insomnia.

You would go and join these groups. You're not gonna be posting on these groups... you're just lurking and seeing how people describe their problem. Find out what they're talking about. The particular issues that they have.. what they've tried that hasn't worked.

Learn how they're frustrated and how they word their problem and this is going to help you create the perfect freebie. Okay if you don't do this step, you're not gonna know exactly how people feel about this problem. It needs to be a problem that keeps them awake, and they need to be describing it in a certain way so that you can tap into it with the language that you use on your squeeze page.

Okay, which we'll come on to in a second so we're still talking about a freebie how do you actually then create the freebie? Let's just say you've done the market research and you've come up with a title. Now i came up with a sample title here... "How to cure your insomnia in seven days without drugs".

Now this is a big promise, obviously I've just dreamt this up you would need to make sure it's something you can deliver on... something that is qualified. This is a great formula on how to get what they want in the amount of time without what they don't want. Right, that is a great formula for coming up with a title for your freebie.

"How to get what you want... in x amount of time... without what they don't want."

Okay, if you get this one thing from this video you can take this and run with it and you can create amazing freebies that great get great opt-in rates.

Okay, but I want to share with you how you actually create a freebie. Right, how do you actually build this email list with a freebie? Well obviously what you need to do is actually go ahead and create the thing. So there's various different ways that you can do this.

In terms of content... you can just go search google again. This is like a five minute research thing that you do on google. I'm just basically putting "How to cure insomnia" and I came up with this after coming up with a headline.

So the headline is like a dream scenario... you don't make promises you can't keep, but if it's something that you can deliver on then use it.

What I did then having searched for "How to cure insomnia" you'll see this information and this is from Mayo clinic, there's more down here from the NHS which is the health service in the UK.

"Stick to a sleep schedule, stay active, avoid the naps, avoid caffeine", but you could just take this and you would reword it... rephrase it... maybe add one or two or take two away... one or two away or whatever that can be the basis for your freebie.

"Seven simple steps to cure insomnia without drugs".

Job done... so how do you actually create a freebie? Well there's different things that you can do. You could offer an audio... there is software called Audacity. All the links I'm mentioning by the way in this video are down underneath the video. This is free software that lets you create audio files. So you can record an audio file... if you want to give that away.

You can create a free screen recording using this a power soft screen recorder. This is a really cool thing. So what it'll do is it will record anything that you see on your screen, so if you're doing a kind of tutorial and you're showing software or something like, you can hit record and it will record a video for you. So that's another way that you could offer your freebie.

Something else you could use is pdf creator. You'd use this to create a pdf report or a pdf ebook. Again if you're worried about how to create the content for this, you can do simple research.

I've also got another video on this channel I think is the last video that I did. Go check out the channel link on how to create content very quickly. I think it's called "How to turn words into money".

I'll give you some tips there, as well. If you've not seen that, that's something else that you can do to actually create your freebie.

Okay, once you've got those ideas and once you've got that that title for it, let's move on to the next section.

Which is the autoresponder, you need an autoresponder. What is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is very simply is a bit of software that collects the email addresses and enables you to send out to those emails without getting spammed.

If you try and send through your Gmail or your own server, you're going to get tons of complaints, and you'll get smacked down. An autoresponder gets around that, and it gives you a tool that gets people onto your mailing list. This will help you build that email list fast.

Now I've used GetResponse for over 20 years, and I recommend you do too. They've got a free 30-day trial and you can get it over at GetResponse. This is an affiliate link by the way, none of the others are affiliate links. Full disclosure... that as an affiliate, I obviously don't get any money for for you getting a free trial... but if you remain remember after that it does help put lights on in the Cheney household.

So all you do is you go to Getresponse and you enter your email address and you've got that 30-day free trial. Now that's it for an autoresponder, if you don't have one you can go to Getresponse or you've already
got one.

The next step is to get a squeeze page also known as a landing page or an opt-in page. This is basically the page where you're going to get people to enter their email address in order to get the freebie. Now I'm going to show you this, let me just give you a heads up I'm going to show you how to do this on get response because it's got that free 30-day trial.

If you already have a squeeze page builder keep watching because I'm going to share the main things that I've learned from doing this for 20 years and building lists that have hundreds of thousands of people on them. Okay so it doesn't matter which autoresponder or which lead page squeeze page builder you're using. What I'm about to share with you will make you money. I'm going to show you Getresponse but it applies regardless of which autoresponder you're using.

In Getresponse you can get this as soon as you get a free trial, you go into landing pages and you select a template that you want for your landing page.

I'm going to go with this example the lead magnet example and you basically just edit this in so you just point and click. So I've gone ahead with the title "How to cure your insomnia in seven days without drugs".

The thing that makes the most difference to your opt-in page is your headline. Right your headline which really should be the same as the title of your freebie if you do this correctly.

The title of your freebie is the title on your landing page and is the headline on your landing page and should also be reflected in the call to action. Let's talk about the call to action on uh your landing page. It is very important okay because if you get this wrong you're just not going get as many people opting in.

Right this download now, is not ideal right, you want it to match what you've set up here so "How to cure your insomnia in seven days."

You really want this to say. "Okay help me cure my insomnia" right so you're mirroring the call to action whatever the big promise is in your headline that's what they want. That's why they're still reading. Get them to click a button that gives them what they want. So if you're saying you know how to cure insomnia, the button should say "cure insomnia" right or "cure my insomnia".

You want to phrase that button in their wording... so don't use words like "subscribe now", "join now", "submit to get get our reports", "join our newsletter" those are all the wrong use of their language.

Say it as if they're saying it, like "Give me access", "let me in", "Yes I want this, "Give me this now", that kind of thing. Ideally tie it in with the headline that you've used now in this example. It's got an image, you don't really need an image, you can get great results sometimes 40 or 50 opt-in rate on an email or squeeze page just with a headline and a simple button.

Okay the rest of this stuff is gonna boost up your opt-in rate. In Getresponse once you've done this and this is cool because you don't need a website to do this, they'll actually host this landing page for you. so they will host that landing page for you and you just give people that url and that is your landing page. You don't need a website, you don't need a domain name, you don't need to pay for website hosting.

It's building your list and putting those emails right into Getresponse for you without you having to pay anything. Certainly within those first 30 days and as I say the idea is by the time you've got to 30 days you're making enough uh income from this that it'll pay for the modest fee that Getresponse charges every

Okay, so that's squeeze page let's move on, I'm going 100 miles an hour because i want to get this information into your brain as quickly as possible so you can start applying it. If you've enjoyed this so far give me a thumbs up, hit the like button. There's two types of people in this world... there's people that really like stuff and get value from stuff but just can't click a button and would rather not give people a thumbs up. I'm taking time out of my day to do this guys... give me a thumbs up, come on give me a thumbs up and if you want more content like this, if you want to be notified when i put more training out, make sure you subscribe to be notified when I do the next training. I do this on a regular basis.

Let's move on to traffic now. Traffic if anybody tells you that they can get you instant free traffic without doing any work they're absolutely lying out of their wazoo. okay every type of traffic takes work unless you're gonna pay for it. Personally I don't like paying for traffic. I'm not even going to talk to you about paid traffic because I know most people don't want to do that either and I salute you.

I've built a business that's generated millions of dollars in sales since the year 2000 and hardly any of that was done through paid ads. Okay hardly any, I just don't like paying for traffic.

There's lots of ways to get free traffic, now the key secret to this... is you've got to focus on one method. Right, pick one channel and stick with it.

Don't try and become a master of Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Blogging or Reddit. Pick one that you resonate with, ideally one you've already got a following for. You've already established some kind of base on it and so just keep doing it. Keep putting out content. The key is consistency.

Now on Facebook it's a great way to do it because you can build an audience quickly of people who are targeted and interested and you can put your links on it. In your about section you can add a website link and you can add it to your profile. So if people visit your profile then go click.. um in my case I'm promoting my email marketing secrets blog which has got by the way uh tons of free content and step-by-step guides on email marketing at email and you can also do it on your header image.

If we click on the header image in Facebook you'll see what I've done. Here you can edit the description and I'll put the link in here. Right and that's going to be there forever, whenever, whenever anybody clicks on my header image they've got a link to go off to my blog to get all that free content there
as well.

So I say there's no secret to traffic, there's no sort of hidden amazing powered secrets on it. Stick to one method if you are struggling to create content. If you want to know how to come up with content ideas quickly and how to get content written without even writing which sounds bizarre, check out that video which I put out previously called "How to turn words into money".

Check out my channel to get that and that is in essence how to get started at least with driving traffic. So we've gone through the freebie autoresponder squeeze page traffic that's how to build an email list fast. Again if you like this video give me a thumbs up, subscribe for more content, I will see you on the next video, all the best.