A Facebook Page has some advantages by virtue of the fact that it's hosted on Facebook, but for the most part it's no different than any other web page. You need to take action if you want to get traffic to it. "Build it and they will come" doesn't apply. In this article, we're going to look at some strategies for getting traffic to your Page.
Probably the single biggest difference between getting traffic to a Facebook Page and getting traffic anywhere else is the viral nature of Facebook. Whenever someone Likes your Page, an update goes out to all their friends telling them that they liked it.
This puts your Page in front of all those people, and if it sounds like something they might be interested in, they'll click through to it and hopefully like it as well. Which then sends the message to all of their friends - this is where the viral effect kicks in.
The trick is getting the traffic coming to your Page in the first place. Once you get enough fans, the process reaches a bit of a tipping point and it will continue to grow almost in spite of you. But until you get to that point, you'll need to push it along.
The first step you should take is to promote the Page to everyone who is already in your network. Send a few updates out to your Facebook friends, asking them to Like the page. Post updates to Twitter every so often. You can even send an email out to your email lists, asking them to like the page.
Because these are all dealing with people who already know (and hopefully trust) you, it's a lot easier to convince them to help you out. And all their friends will be seeing that they liked it, which is the beginning of reaching new people.
You can also buy ads on Facebook itself, if you have a way of monetizing your fans to cover the cost of the ads. The most effective way to run ads on Facebook is to have them land on other pages on Facebook itself, so this can work very well if you have something of value to offer people who like your Page.
Interacting with other people and Pages in your market is another way to get exposure with new people. Use Facebook's "Post as Page" feature to show your Page on any posts you make. If you provide value in other places that are related to your niche, some of those people will click through to your Page and wind up following you.
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